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FORCE! an opera in 3 acts | dark blue stitches hand made
FORCE_RicardoAdame_entire constellation.jpg

the constellation

FORCE! an opera in 3 acts | dark blue stitches hand made
The Constellation
FORCE! an opera in 3 acts | dark blue stitches hand made
FORCE! an opera in 3 acts | dark blue stitches hand made
FORCE! an opera in 3 acts | dark blue stitches hand made
FORCE! an opera in 3 acts | dark blue stitches hand made
FORCE! an opera in 3 acts | dark blue stitches hand made

Teiana Davis (Anaiet Soul)


FORCE! an opera in 3 acts | dark blue stitches hand made
FORCE! an opera in 3 acts | dark blue stitches hand made
FORCE! an opera in 3 acts | dark blue stitches hand made

Nexus j.


Tramaine Parker
Jasmine Mendoza
Phillip Armstrong
Danya AbdelHameid
Raquel Monroe
Kiki King
Empress Darling Shear
Aaron Hughes and Amber Ginsburg
the women of Acting OutSide
Prsion + Neighborhood Arts/Education Project
3AP Supporters

Please note all video on the FORCE! website is courtesy of Wills Glaspiegel with Anna Martine Whitehead.

Still images except for on this page are courtesy of Ricardo Adame and Glasspiegel

The OvertureComposed by: Anna Martine Whitehead. Improvised & performed by: Anaiet, Angel Bat Dawid, Jeremiah Collier, Tramaine Parker, Daniella Pruitt, Brooklynn Skye Scott, Ayanna Woods
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